Introduction to the Handbook

Uganda has seen tremendous growth in mobile penetration, and access to the internet; for example, teledensity estimates in 2015 were 64%. The country also continues to experience growth in the internet subscription, with a 37.4% internet penetration rate in the same time period. With these advancements in access, there is also a marked rise in the incidence of cybercrime such as fraud, hacking and identity theft.

An increasingly worrying trend amongst cybercrimes is online violence against womxn and the numbers increase exponentially. When queer womxn, non-binary persons and sex workers are added to the equation.

In the recent U.N. report, cyber violence was found to be just as damaging to womxn as physical violence. The report goes on to indicate that womxn are becoming increasingly vulnerable to cyber violence with growing access to internet across the world, which could in turn detrimentally impede the uptake of broadband services by girls and womxn worldwide.

“Online violence has subverted the original positive promise to the internet freedoms and into many circumstances has made it a chilling space that permits anonymous cruelty and facilitates harmful acts towards womxn and girls “

-Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN women.

Cyber Security Awareness

We hosted a space with womxn to dialogue under the topic “Privacy online, offline and in between” as part of our contribution towards #cybersecurityawarenessmonth call to all of us to DoYourPart #BeCyberSmart.

Whether or not we have privacy while online today is up for debate. The key is knowing where the invisible line that we so often cross is. We believe the liberation of womxn comes from having the right information.
We are raising awareness on violence that occurs while using the internet and collecting experiences from different communities as well. We aim to equip as many womxn as possible with pertinent information on how to engage safely online which will in turn ensure that womxn are aware of their freedoms on the internet

Circumstances that enable gender inequalities to persist in online usage and spaces.

For Womxn’s Day 2020, we held a safe space for minority womxn to discuss circumstances that enable gender inequalities to persist in online usage and spaces. We tackled themes of patriarchy, misogyny, cyber security laws and enactment in Uganda in relation to minority womxn.

The Odyssey of Desire Live Chat

The Odyssey of Desire is a series of online conversations and explorations intended to lead us on a journey through the depth and breadth of our desires, in all their complex glory. Adventures (from the bedrooms of African women), an online platform where African women share their intimate experiences as told by us for ourselves is the one behind organising this series.

Our team leader took part in the Odyssey of Desire, a live Twitter conversation that candidly addressed things like sexting, sex tapes, and nudes and nothing was off-limits.